Miracles and Wellness - Holistic Health, Plant Based Diet, Chronic Disease, Stress Management, Mindful Eating, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss
Feeling overwhelmed by a demanding lifestyle? Concerned about the impact of stress on your health and longevity? Searching for effective stress management techniques for yourself and your loved ones? You’re in the right place! We understand the toll of constant personal and professional obligations. This stress affects your mental and physical health, leading to weight gain, obesity, and diseases over time. You have the power to transform your lifestyle, adding years to your life and improving its quality. Imagine having the vitality to care for your family while safeguarding your well-being. Let’s prioritize self-care and address the root causes of health struggles. Healing is a journey that starts today. Welcome to our podcast, a sanctuary of empowerment and wisdom on health and wellness, focusing on stress relief for busy individuals. We explore meditation, breathwork, mindfulness, sustainable weight loss, plant-based diets, and stress management techniques. Our mission is to introduce self-care routines and lifestyle changes that will reshape your life. Stay driven on your entrepreneurial journey while managing stress, countering chronic health issues, and achieving sustainable weight loss. You’re here for a purpose, and together, we’ll embark on a journey toward enhanced well-being, stress relief, love, and light. Welcome, and let’s make positive transformations, one day at a time. Clarissa Want to Stay Connected? * Wellness Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup * More Free Resources: https://www.clarissabooker.com/freeresourceses * Contact Us: info@clarissawww.clarissabooker.com * Our Program: https://www.clarissabooker.com/twa Stay connected and enhance your well-being with our resources and community!

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
In this episode we will discuss what is plant based eating and how it affects our health and our ability to lose weight.
What foods consists of plant based eating and how it helps reverse chronic disease.
What are some chronic Illness that a plant based diet can help prevent.
Also come work with me: Click link below
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/
Chocolate recipes: https://bit.ly/guiltfreechoco
5 day Sugar Challenge: https://bit.ly/cravingfix

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
In this episode we will talk about calorie density and how It is different from counting calories.
Calorie density will help you lose weight without feeling hungry and also improve your health.
What is calorie density
What foods do we consume and how does it help us lose weight
Eating calorie dense food will give you nutrients and fiber that your body needs.
Much Love
Also come work with me: Click link below
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/
Chocolate recipes: https://bit.ly/guiltfreechoco
5 day Sugar Challenge: https://bit.ly/cravingfix

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
In todays mini episode we talk about carbohydrates and energy. Why we need carbohydrates for energy and part of our nutrition and some foods to eat for nutrients for energy and fiber. Are carbohydrates really bad?
Also come work with me: Click link below
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/
Chocolate recipes: https://bit.ly/guiltfreechoco
5 day Sugar Challenge: https://bit.ly/cravingfix

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
On this episode guest Miranda Lee talks about finding food freedom through faith and self love and how it helps her main her health. Letting go of perfectionism and loving yourself fully.
How she overcame stress eating and switched to intuitive eating to live a healthier lifestyle to live.
Talk about eating disorders and how they affect our mind and body and how having faith in God can help you thrive.
Also come work with me: Click link below
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/
Chocolate recipes: https://bit.ly/guiltfreechoco
5 day Sugar Challenge: https://bit.ly/cravingfix

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
In this episode of miracles and wellness we go over 5 hacks to include in your morning routine for weight loss or improving your health. Stabilizing blood sugar and improving your heart to reduce a heart attack can also benefit from a good morning routine.
1. Eating a protein rich breakfast to increases energy and stabilize your blood sugar
2. Stay hydrated by consuming water
3. Move your body through exercise, fitness, or a form of movement.
4. Practice mindfulness and meditations
5. Meal prep a nutritious meal
Much Love
Also come work with me: Click link below
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/
Chocolate recipes: https://bit.ly/guiltfreechoco
5 day Sugar Challenge: https://bit.ly/cravingfix

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
In this episode of miracles and wellness we will talk about how to manifest and accomplish your goals for Q4 the last 3 months of the year.
Did you meet your goals this year in weight loss, health, fitness, or personal life goals.
What held you back from being productive to meet your goals
What do you need to put in place to manifest and take action for your health and life.
Love and light
Also come work with me: Click link below
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/
Chocolate recipes: https://bit.ly/guiltfreechoco
5 day Sugar Challenge: https://bit.ly/cravingfix

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
In this episode we will talk about showing compassion to yourself and having self love as we move about the day and set goals. Giving yourself grace and compassion if you have a set back is ok.
Not soaking up other peoples energy and holding space in a safe way.
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/
Chocolate recipes: https://bit.ly/guiltfreechoco
5 day Sugar Challenge: https://bit.ly/cravingfix

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
On this episode of miracles and wellness we will talk about 4 steps to stop food cravings whether you likes sweets and have a sweet tooth, salty snacks, or just want to crunch.
Food cravings can creep up on us as a way to cope with daily life and stressors.
Try waiting it out or exercise
Drink water to stay hydrated
Swap out food craving for a healthier version
Indulge in the craving and give yourself grace
Much Love
Also come work with me: Click link below
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/
Chocolate recipes: https://bit.ly/guiltfreechoco

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
In this episode of miracles and wellness we will talk about how stress affects our body and can result in binge eating.
Food has been used as a way to cope with stress, anxiety, and other emotions for our mental health. Eating when stressed out can result in overeating and also affect our health.
Some ways to reduce binge eating and stress
Intuitive Eating
Ditch diet culture and eat nutrient dense food
Fitness by going to the gym or doing yoga
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarissadbooker/

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
In todays episode of miracles and wellness we are going to become more centered and increase awareness. This meditation can be done at home or outside in the fresh air.
Decrease and release stress, anxiety, depression, and feel more happiness and centered.
Also feel free to journal after you are finished with the walking meditation any feelings that come up.
Click here for program ➡️ https://clarissabooker.com/programs
Journals: https://clarissabooker.com/journals
Community: https://bit.ly/wellbeinggroup
Email: info@clarissabooker.com
Website: https://clarissabooker.com